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When Is It Too Cold for Horses to Go Outside?

Feeding hay helps to keep your horse warm when it's too cold for horses.
Round bales are a great way to feed pastured horses in winter,

As winter settles in and the temperatures plummet, horse owners often face the question: When is it too cold for horses to go outside? While horses are tough and well-adapted to the cold, there are certain temperature thresholds and conditions to consider to keep your equine companions safe and comfortable during the winter months.

How Horses Tolerance the Cold

Horses, particularly those with thick coats, are generally well-equipped to handle cold weather. They can naturally regulate their body temperature, and their muscles can make the hair stand on end, fluffing up the coat and trapping more heat. During inclement weather, it is essential not to wash out the natural oils on a horse's skin and hair, as they add much-needed protection against the elements.

How to tell if Your Horse is Cold

Of course, the most obvious way to tell if your horse is cold is if it is shivering. Once a horse begins to shiver, it is vital to offer it extra protection against the elements. It is, however, easy to tell if a horse is cold before it gets to such an extreme. If your horse has its tail tucked up close to its body, has cold ears, is standing with its head turned away from the wind, or its body, shoulder, or chest feels cold to the touch, it is likely too cold.

Factors that can influence how cold is too cold for a horse to be outside.

Coat Condition

A thick winter coat offers excellent protection against cold temperatures. However, if your horse's coat is thin, has recently been washed, or has been clipped, they will have less natural insulation and need extra help to stay warm and comfortable.

Wind Chill

Wind can dramatically reduce the temperature, making it feel much colder than the actual thermometer reading. Horses may be more susceptible to cold and wind chill, especially without shelter.


Precipitation and humid conditions can make cold weather feel even more unpleasant. A wet horse loses body heat much more quickly than a dry one.

Age, Health, and Size

Older horses, young foals, or horses with health issues are more susceptible to cold weather and find staying warm in extreme conditions more challenging. Similarly, smaller horses and those with less body fat may struggle in colder weather.

Temperature Guidelines for Turnout

While horses can tolerate cold temperatures down to about 0°F (-18°C), the key to ensuring their well-being is to keep them comfortable and safe. Here are some general guidelines for when you should start considering limiting their time outside:

Above 20°F (-6°C)

At temperatures 20°F or above, most healthy horses with thick coats can safely stay outside for extended periods. Ensure they have access to shelter, plenty of water, and adequate forage. A well-fed horse generates heat through digestion, which helps them stay warm.

10°F (-12°C) to 20°F (-6°C)

When temperatures fall below 20°F, horses may still handle being outdoors, but extra precautions should be taken. For instance, ensure your horse has access to shelter from the wind, as wind chill can make temperatures feel much colder. This could be a run-in shelter or a thick grove of trees. Providing them with extra hay will also help them generate body heat.

Below 10°F (-12°C)

As temperatures dip below 10°F, the risk of hypothermia and frostbite increases, particularly for wet horses. Consider blanketing or bringing your horse inside, or provide them with a sturdy windproof shelter with a roof if they must be outside.

Extreme Cold Below 0°F (-18°C)

When temperatures reach or drop below 0°F, it's generally too cold for horses to be outside for extended periods. At these temperatures, horses may not be able to generate enough body heat, and frostbite can occur, especially on ears and other extremities. If your horse must be outdoors, they should have access to a well-sheltered area with plenty of forage, water, and bedding to keep them warm.

Other Considerations for Winter Care

Beyond the temperature itself, here are additional factors to keep in mind when deciding whether to let your horse outside during cold weather:


A windproof, dry shelter is essential in cold weather. Horses should be able to escape wind and precipitation, which can chill them quickly. A run-in shed or barn with good ventilation and bedding will provide relief during severe conditions.


Frozen water troughs or buckets are a serious concern during winter months. Horses need access to fresh, unfrozen water at all times. De-icers and heated water buckets can help ensure this. At a minimum, break and remove the ice often. We use a mallet and a small fishing net


To blanket or not to blanket is a full blog post.

If your horse has been clipped or has a thin coat, you may need to provide a blanket for extra warmth. Be sure the blanket fits correctly and is designed for the conditions. Blankets that are too heavy can make your horse too warm, while too light may not provide enough insulation and prevent the horse's muscles from lifting the hair and creating natural protection against the cold.


Increasing hay intake in the winter can help your horse generate more heat. Hay and hay derivatives (grass pellets, etc.) take time to digest, and the digestive process produces body heat, helping to keep your horse warm. Avoid switching to a grain-heavy diet unless specifically advised by your vet.


If your horse is out of regular work due to inclement weather, do not overwork them when the weather is fair enough to ride. Be cautious of sudden changes in activity levels during cold weather. Warm up thoroughly and avoid long periods of intense exercise in extremely cold conditions, as horses can be more prone to injury or exhaustion.


While horses can tolerate surprisingly cold temperatures, taking a balanced approach to their care in winter is essential. When temperatures fall below freezing, owners should pay close attention to wind, shelter, water, and overall health to ensure their horse's well-being. Remember, your horse's coat, age, and health play key roles in determining how cold is too cold for them to be outside. By staying vigilant and prepared, you can keep your horse safe and comfortable even on the coldest of winter days.

Things Your Barn Manager Will Never Say in Winter and Five Must-have Horse Winter Products

horse winter productsMost of my horsey friends in North Carolina are well and truly fed up with the winter weather. Especially those of us on the front lines who handle the manual labor of looking after the horses.

The last few days of below-freezing weather mixed with biting winds and snow have been particularly challenging. Our northern neighbors like to mock us when we complain about the weather, but we don't have the infrastructure to cope with it for days on end.

The extreme cold makes everyday chores take much longer than usual and requires more physical strength. If you board your horse, please take a few minutes to thank your barn manager and barn hands for their hard work in all weather conditions.

So, as we patiently wait for a thaw from this frozen tundra, here is a lighthearted look at some things your barn manager will never say in winter.

  1. Oh, good, a snow day.
  2. I love freezing weather.
  3. Breaking ice off of water troughs is my most favorite thing to do.
  4. Mucking out twice, and sometimes three times, in a day is awesome.
  5. Going through twice as much hay because the horses are in all day makes me so happy.
  6. I love it when the ends of my fingers turn blue; it really sets off my perfectly manicured nails.
  7. Dragging water to the barn in coolers is so much fun.
  8. I wish it would snow again.
  9. Changing blankets every five minutes because the temps keep changing helps to tone my biceps.
  10. I can't wait to ride my bi-polar mare, who has been standing in her stall for days.
  11. I think I'll call in sick today.
  12. I wish the weather could stay like this forever.

Five Must-have Horse Winter Products

Photo Product Description
Faucet Heater - horse winter products

Faucet Heater

Keeps water flowing down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit
water trough heater - horse winter products

Water Trough Heater

Floating and submergible tank de-icer with chew-proof cord and self-regulating thermostat



Waterproof, phone-friendly insulated gloves.

Quarter sheet - horse winter products

Quarter Sheet

Anti Static Fleece Quarter Sheet for riding in winter/cold weather.



Equestrian tall warm boot socks.

Taking care of horses is a labor of love, and looking forward to spring is what is currently keeping me going.

We'd love to hear from you. Let us know some things your barn manager never says in winter, and follow us on Facebook.

One-stop shop for all your horse winter products needs!

White Rose Equestrian is a small, private, full-service equestrian facility in Iron Station, NC.