Tag Archives: horses

Things Your Barn Manager Will Never Say in Winter and Five Must-have Horse Winter Products

horse winter productsMost of my horsey friends in North Carolina are well and truly fed up with the winter weather. Especially those of us on the front lines who handle the manual labor of looking after the horses.

The last few days of below-freezing weather mixed with biting winds and snow have been particularly challenging. Our northern neighbors like to mock us when we complain about the weather, but we don't have the infrastructure to cope with it for days on end.

The extreme cold makes everyday chores take much longer than usual and requires more physical strength. If you board your horse, please take a few minutes to thank your barn manager and barn hands for their hard work in all weather conditions.

So, as we patiently wait for a thaw from this frozen tundra, here is a lighthearted look at some things your barn manager will never say in winter.

  1. Oh, good, a snow day.
  2. I love freezing weather.
  3. Breaking ice off of water troughs is my most favorite thing to do.
  4. Mucking out twice, and sometimes three times, in a day is awesome.
  5. Going through twice as much hay because the horses are in all day makes me so happy.
  6. I love it when the ends of my fingers turn blue; it really sets off my perfectly manicured nails.
  7. Dragging water to the barn in coolers is so much fun.
  8. I wish it would snow again.
  9. Changing blankets every five minutes because the temps keep changing helps to tone my biceps.
  10. I can't wait to ride my bi-polar mare, who has been standing in her stall for days.
  11. I think I'll call in sick today.
  12. I wish the weather could stay like this forever.

Five Must-have Horse Winter Products

Photo Product Description
Faucet Heater - horse winter products

Faucet Heater

Keeps water flowing down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit
water trough heater - horse winter products

Water Trough Heater

Floating and submergible tank de-icer with chew-proof cord and self-regulating thermostat



Waterproof, phone-friendly insulated gloves.

Quarter sheet - horse winter products

Quarter Sheet

Anti Static Fleece Quarter Sheet for riding in winter/cold weather.



Equestrian tall warm boot socks.

Taking care of horses is a labor of love, and looking forward to spring is what is currently keeping me going.

We'd love to hear from you. Let us know some things your barn manager never says in winter, and follow us on Facebook.

One-stop shop for all your horse winter products needs!

White Rose Equestrian is a small, private, full-service equestrian facility in Iron Station, NC. 

How Much Does it Cost to Keep a Horse

cost to keep a horseI recently saw a post in an equestrian group on Facebook asking, how much does it cost to keep a horse for a year? Many people responded. My favorite answer was 'your heart and soul'. That pretty much sums up the life of an equestrian. But, it got me thinking. Horses and the sports that go along with them are, for most of us, far more than a hobby they are a way of life.

I would hazard to guess that not many equestrians know how much they spend annually on their passion. They will know how much they spend on board, farrier, and the vet but don't always take into account clothes, necessary tack, unnecessary extras such as treats, blingy browbands, the latest style of saddle pad, or any other accompaniments that equestrian brands tell us we must have.

Below I have attempted to put together a list of expenses relating to keeping a horse. It shows three varying options. The lower end includes the basics, the middle range covers possible unforeseen expenses, and the latter has all the bells and whistles. I have then averaged out these prices. Of course, I can not include all scenarios and these prices are subject to fluctuation depending on the type of horse, discipline, and location.

I would love to hear your opinions and have some feedback.

Annual Cost to Keep a Horse*

Service Pasture
Basic Full
Full Board in a
Show Barn
Board $3,000 $6,000 $10,000 $6,333
Lessons $0 don't take
$2,600 one lesson
per week
$7,800 one lesson and
one trainer ride per
Farrier $390 barefoot
every 6 weeks
$1,040 full-set
every 6 weeks
$2,080 full-set
every 4 weeks
from the best farrier in town
Vet $400 shots and
teeth floating
$2,400 basics
plus unexpected
$6,600 basics,
lameness, chiro,
Magna Wave
Tack $500 basic needs $2,000 basic needs
and upgrades
$6,000 basic needs,
upgrades, plus new
saddle as the horse's
physique has changed
due to training
Clothes $500 barn boots,
pants, etc.
$2,500 boots, new
riding clothes
$5,000 basics plus
latest fashion trends
Showing $0 do not show $400 a few local
$8,000 six rated shows
including entries,
trainer, etc.
$500 $1,000 $3,000 $1,500
TOTAL $5,290 $17,940 $48,480 $23,903

I will admit to being frugal when it comes to spending money so it is possible that these prices are on the low side. No matter what kind of barn you board at, whether or not you show, or how often you buy new clothes, one thing is very clear, the decision to buy a horse should be given a great deal of thought and you must be sure you can afford to cover all your known and unexpected expenses.

How much do you think it costs to keep a horse for a year?

*Prices are per annum based on average prices around the Charlotte, NC area in the summer of 2019 and are subject to change.

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